Orion solarwinds engine keeps stopping
Orion solarwinds engine keeps stopping

So like you could have a custom property tag called “latency alert”, and the the Scope of the alert would be where Node Latency Alert = yes.

  • You can use custom properties to tag a device and make that tag a trigger condition.
  • If someone isn’t going to take action, then do you need to trigger an alert or can you put those events into a report you review once a month? But a lot of the alerts will generate noise and train people to ignore them. I usually go with node down, high resources like cpu, memory, hardware health (some devices are great at sending false positives with hardware health) interface down, high bandwidth (both in and outbound).
  • Take a look at what the alerts are doing and see if they’re actually helpful.
  • You can’t have a parent object (node) defined as a child object as well (probably your site group) so take out the routers from the group and make them the parent objects. I normally don’t do high latency alert unless your environment is touchy and you need that. I typically build a CPU is critical alert and a Memory is critical alert (2 different alerts). When it comes to an alert, the Trigger Condition tab has two fields, scope of the alert, or who can this alert trigger for, and trigger condition, why the alert would triggr, like Node - CPU load status is critical.
  • Those can go into Warning/critical states, so the out of the box alert may trigger when the state of the router is in Warning/critical.
  • I've looked through documentation and watched some of the labs videos, but they don't explain a whole lot and the Alerting in Solarwinds is confusing coming from something else.

    orion solarwinds engine keeps stopping

    Can I tell Solarwinds to not alert again for that device? Also, is there a way I can tell Solarwinds not alert on that device if it going up and down? Once notice that it is not working right is enough. I seem to keep getting alerts for devices that we've already acknowledged there is a problem.I looked into dynamic groups, but didn't see a way to tell it to only monitor certain devices.


    The list of network devices may change and I don't want to have to update the group every time we replace a device.

  • Is there anyway to set alerts for only a group of devices without manually adding the devices to a group? For instance, I want ping latency monitoring for all my network devices and some servers we have.
  • This isn't very useful at as it doesn't provide any information, especially for an email notification. For example, I see a few "Node is is warning or critical state", but I have no idea what that is as there is no information in the Alerts page.
  • I haven't changed any of the default alerts, but I am getting a lot of generic alerts for things.
  • Am I missing something here, or was the group supposed to not alert if the main dependency went down? I double-checked and it seems to be setup correctly. We recently had an outage of a router (power issue) and I got alerts for every object being monitored at that site, including ping latency, and ping loss. I setup each site group to depend on a router for that site. Are these supposed to generate alerts when the threshold is reached? How are these related to alerting if at all?

    orion solarwinds engine keeps stopping

  • When setting up a new node in SAM, you can specify thresholds for CPU, RAM, response time and packet loss.
  • orion solarwinds engine keeps stopping

    I am aware of the concepts of alerting as I've used other monitoring software, but Orion monitoring has me confused. Our needs a pretty simple, just tell us when a server or network device is down or has a problem and email us. I have the SAM and NPM modules and we are trying to get alerting setup.

    Orion solarwinds engine keeps stopping